Mothers! Teach your daughters well …


Tea parties with dainty doll-size china cups and saucers, coloured granulated sugar, doll houses, baking with my Mom and Nana …. growing up as the only girl, I supposed I was privileged to be taught certain life lessons that every girl or young woman needs to learn.

Here are a few lessons which come to mind:

  • How to sit without flashing privates to the world, this includes how to get in and out of a car like a lady.
  • Modesty – remember that word? How to dress modestly (this can be done fashionably!!) indicates that you have a healthy self-esteem and don’t need to trade on dressing trashy to attract attention.
  • How to converse. Teach your children to hold a conversation – ask questions of other people, where they are from, what they like, do, don’t like ….. etc etc.
  • Basic housekeeping skills – NO it has nothing to do with feminism!! These skills are life lessons in their own right. Show them how to make a few good meals, how to bake  a basic cake or cupcakes, how to use the washing machine (I was only 29 when I started to use a machine because it was always done for me!!) … believe you me, they will thank you one day for these basic skills.

These are a few basic suggestions but vital ones. Recently I had the pleasure of training a young lady to take over my position at work and could immediately tell by the way she dressed, the way she acted and conversed that her Mother had done an awesome job. She truly was a delight and a breath of fresh air to train up – a rare find in this day and age.

As the beautiful old song goes …. “Teach your children well …”

Live a diamante life!


How to set a table …



When last did you attend a proper sit down dinner party? It seems only the rich, famous and business people do this these days – how sad. I wonder how many Generation X youngsters would know where to start with a setting of cutlery before them?

One of our chores when we were younger was to set the dining table for each meal. My parents entertained pretty regularly and I was taught by my mother and grandmother the ins and outs of dinner parties.

The rule of thumb when faced with an array of gleaming and glistening crockery is to start from the outside working in with each course of food you are presented with!

When you are finished eating always place your knife and fork together on the plate. Your napkin goes on your lap (not tucked in on the front of your dress) l and when you are finished eating, scrunch the napkin up and place on your plate at the end of the dessert course.

Why not extend yourself and plan a dinner party? Invite your friends – remember to invite a variety of people who will compliment conversation – set the table and show your hosting skills.

If you can’t afford to splurge on the food – ask each group bring a course with them. Set the table and light candles – this is not expensive to do! Then enjoy this forgotten art of simply enjoying others company!

Living the diamante life!

A quick way to update your wardrobe …



If  you are living on a diamante budget like myself, you will need to come up with inexpensive ways of updating your wardrobe – my budget savvy way of doing this is by adding colourful cardigans.

Buy a few cardigans (button up versions) in whatever the latest colour trends are. For example, I have noticed recently that a mustardy yellow is trending – hence, I purchased an inexpensive ($10 to be exact on sale) cardy which I can wear to work or casually. The cardy gives an ordinary outfit a “pop of colour” and is very versatile – as you can see from the image above.

Because we are in our Summer season I have opted for a short sleeve version – it can be  worn with short sleeve blouses paired with a skirt, over my little LBD or over a white T …. gotta love it!

Loving the diamante life ….

Buy white … you won’t regret it!

Source: via Tracey on Pinterest


Have you recently gotten married? Are you now in a position where you are required to entertain at home – whether it be the ladies from Church, colleagues, clients or just family – my tip to you is buy white!!!

Here is a list of the essential collection:

  • serving platters – square, oval, round and rectangular – different sizes, one of each.
  • bowls – large, medium and small – different shapes as well.
  • bread plates
  • mugs, cups and saucers
  • teapot and milk jug
  • quiche/pie dish

The above items  are a good starting point. They can be purchased from your local Dollar shop or a high-end department store … whatever suits your budget – no one will know the difference, trust me!

Once you have basic set of white crockery (always classy looking) then add to the pieces with colour and pattern.


Why white?

White NEVER goes out of fashion.

White mixes and matches with most other patters and colours.

White is understated yet elegant.

Just another tip for leading a diamante life on a budget.

The Kardashians and Dinner …

I am not surprised that the Kardashian girls always look so healthy and gorgeous – it’s the salads they are always eating … what’s with that?

Here is my version of a  Chicken Salad which I whipped up for dinner tonight – fabulous enough for any rich and famous person!



What I love about this salad is its versatility – great for a family dinner, “bring a dish” occasion or a girlfriend get-together lunch.

Dress the salad up for special lunches by adding smoked chicken (instead of roast chicken) shaved parmesan cheese, pomegranate jewels and nuts. My girlfriends are always thrilled when I make my luxe version of this salad.

To live a diamante life – take ordinary dishes and make them extra-ordinary with luxury ingredients …

Coffee anyone …..


Lazy Sunday’s in bed … the smell of “real” coffee drifting down the passage …. to me that smacks of luxe!

Somehow instant coffee just does not do it for me any longer, I am a converted authentic coffee lover.

Australia is very much a Latte nation … I revel in the luxury of being able to meet friends in the most amazing coffee shops for a chat and a skinny cappuccino or latte or – as one of my friends orders- skinny, soya,latte extra hot (I always feel for the poor soul taking our order!).

Recently we invested in a small, middle of the range coffee making machine – what absolute heaven to now be able to sip “real” coffees on a Sunday morning! Worth every penny is our dear little Sunbeam beauty.

Sometimes, it is appreciating the little things in life, such as the humble cup of coffee, that just makes my day!

Today, living a diamante life is all about a good cup of coffee, frothed by our own little darling Sunbeam 🙂


Living and leading a Diamante life requires confidence …


Strong, chic, beautiful women live with confidence – not a loud, vulgar, crass confidence, NO their confidence rises up from within, they know who they are, what they stand for and what they won’t stand for!

How do you create this confidence I hear you ask?

The first step is to set aside some time (the New Year is a good place to start), buy to ponder and reflect. Purchase a gorgeous journal that inspires and start writing down what you want in life as well as what you will not settle for in life any longer. Decide (as my darling husband says “draw a line in the sand”) once and for all what values you will walk and talk by, who you want in your life and where your place is in this world. It is only when you know what you want from life can you walk with confidence through life.

Second step – declutter your life! This step is very cathartic, take the next 30 days and fill a trash bag every day of “stuff” in your house that you no longer use, wear or care for. Believe me when I tell you how wonderful you will start feeling – from the inside out.

Third step – decide how you want to look! Update your wardrobe, your make-up and hairstyle. Look after your skin – drink plenty of water to improve circulation. This is not being vain, this is caring for yourself – if you look good, you feel confident. Don’t slouch around the house in PJ’s and slippers all day – get up in the morning and immediately put your walking shoes on … this leads me to my fourth step …

Fourth step – Get moving!! Confident women are usually lean, toned and fit! Start walking every morning and this will let loose your inner radiance. Start jogging or join a gym – there is no excuse to not exercise your body.

Fifth Step – eat well! I know as busy mothers, wives and business women we run around and usually see to our family first, then collapse in a heap only to eat sugary, high fat foods to satisfy our lazy cravings – DON’T. Set the table or set yourself a tray with pretty crockery and silver ware if you are the only person eating – eat slowly and healthily. Eating healthily requires time – there is no getting away from that fact! Set 4 weeks of healthy eating menus for the whole family, make a shopping list and shop accordingly.

To live well – treat yourself and your world well. Once again I stress, you can do ALL the above on a budget – you do not need to spend a fortune.

Diamante Hint: Set yourself a monthly clothing budget. Plan your wardrobe and make- up around this budget. Even if you only have $50 a month spend it well.

Live a diamante life!


My decadent lemon cheesecake recipe …


I love the look of decadent cheesecakes gloriously rotating in glass showcases in upper market cafes … they just seem to ooze snobbishness, thinking they are a cut above the lowly chocolate cake on the bottom shelf or the poor muffins displayed on the counter top …

My lemon cheesecake recipe is easy, inexpensive but tastes like a million dollars:

1 Packet biscuits finely crushed
100g melted butter

Mix the above ingredients together and press into a fluted quiche dish to make the crust.

Then mix:
1 tin condensed milk together with 400g cream cheese (the thick kind) till frothy. Add 2 teaspoons of vanilla essence and 1/3 cup lemon (or lime) juice and continue to mix until smooth and creamy.
Pour mixture on top of crust and refrigerate for 4 hours.
Decorate with fresh raspberries.

Invite some girlfriends around, use your best tea set and silver ware – of course only linen napkins allowed (paper ones are for BBQ’s only!)



Chic equals expensive looking …

Want to look expensive but your diamante budget doesn’t stretch to buying top-of-the- range, high-end fashion items? I have one, actually TWO words for you …. “copy cat”!!! Collect images of what you perceive as expensive, chic, classy outfits – then copy them with mostly chain stores or op shop finds.

One piece of excellent advice I was given that whas worked for me is: buy your basics (pants, skirts, jackets) from stores like Target then splurge on designer or high-end fashion blouses, accessories and handbags.

Here are a couple of basic “chic” outfits to copy cat:


Basically all you need – block top, black leggings, black pumps and then a statement necklace.


LBD (Little Black Dress), Camel Coat, black pumps, leopard skin bag and gold accessories – simple yet, timelessly elegant!

Get onto Pinterest and start copying, pasting and copy catting!!


Keep Calm and Sparkle …


Yesterday should have been my day to ponder what goals I wanted to set for the New Year but, LIFE had other plans and bedded me with a migraine till early this morning! Ah yes, a not so “” day however …. today is a fresh “migraine” free day and here is a list of my hopes and dreams for 2013:

1. Organising goal: 30 days of decluttering the entire house – starting tomorrow 🙂
2. Personal goal: Careful wardrobe planning – “Champagne looks on a diamante budget” (for those dubious doubters out there it can be done … watch my blog!)
3. Health goal: Drink more water, join a gym and eat healthy meals.
4. Travel Goal: Save to travel to a foreign destination e.g. Hong Kong, Hawaii, New Zealand or South Africa?
5. Household goal: Disciplined meal planning (in an effort to save money to achieve goals 2 and 4).
6. Creative goal: This blog!!!
7. Career goal: Find a new job!!!
8. Faith goal: Stay focused, stay plugged in, believe more …
9. Financial goal: Live and look more expensive using less!

Here’s to you 2013 – BRING IT ON!!