Tea parties with dainty doll-size china cups and saucers, coloured granulated sugar, doll houses, baking with my Mom and Nana …. growing up as the only girl, I supposed I was privileged to be taught certain life lessons that every girl or young woman needs to learn.

Here are a few lessons which come to mind:

  • How to sit without flashing privates to the world, this includes how to get in and out of a car like a lady.
  • Modesty – remember that word? How to dress modestly (this can be done fashionably!!) indicates that you have a healthy self-esteem and don’t need to trade on dressing trashy to attract attention.
  • How to converse. Teach your children to hold a conversation – ask questions of other people, where they are from, what they like, do, don’t like ….. etc etc.
  • Basic housekeeping skills – NO it has nothing to do with feminism!! These skills are life lessons in their own right. Show them how to make a few good meals, how to bake  a basic cake or cupcakes, how to use the washing machine (I was only 29 when I started to use a machine because it was always done for me!!) … believe you me, they will thank you one day for these basic skills.

These are a few basic suggestions but vital ones. Recently I had the pleasure of training a young lady to take over my position at work and could immediately tell by the way she dressed, the way she acted and conversed that her Mother had done an awesome job. She truly was a delight and a breath of fresh air to train up – a rare find in this day and age.

As the beautiful old song goes …. “Teach your children well …”

Live a diamante life!